Sponsorships! Auction Preview!

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No act of generosity is too small to make a difference.

Sponsor a student for only $25 a month!

Sponsor an outreach program (20 students)! Only $100 monthly!

Your gift helps us reach more youth and families!

Thank you!

Our nonprofit program provides youth and families an opportunity to learn within a supportive environment that fosters mutual respect, confidence, discipline, and good sportsmanship, while promoting mental health, physical fitness, focus, and well-being. No children are turned away because of costs. Your support helps us to run year-long character enrichment and wellness programs throughout the community. They provide for training equipment, uniforms, instructors, tournament participation and our 'open to all' Friday Family Night activities. We are working to grow our instructor base from inside our classes, empowering youth with employment and career opportunities. Students elevate their self-expectations through our curriculum anchored in life skills and common sense knowledge for the road to adulthood.

Hosted By J.K. Lee City Youth

J. K. Lee City Youth Martial Arts
All questions are welcomed!

Mitchell Park Domes

Greenhouse No. 7, South Layton Boulevard, Milwaukee, WI, USA

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